
'Cry' feat. Grimes

We collaborated with our friends at Anderson Platz (Mike Anderson) on Ashnikko's video 'Cry' featuring Grimes. We brought in a professional performer to mimic Ashnikko's filmed performance. Using the Xsens motion capture system, we captured full-body movement and key framed facial animation. Mike also utilized the Unreal Engine for real-time 3D rendering, making for a blazing fast production.

We collaborated with our friends at Anderson Platz (Mike Anderson) on Ashnikko's video 'Cry' featuring Grimes. We brought in a professional performer to mimic Ashnikko's filmed performance. Using the Xsens motion capture system, we captured full-body movement and key framed facial animation. Mike also utilized the Unreal Engine for real-time 3D rendering, making for a blazing fast production.


Music Artist: Ashnikko
Written, Directed and Produced: Mike Anderson
Production Company: Anderson Platz
Director: Mike Anderson
Producer: Karina Ripper
DP/Editor: Ryan Dickie
3D Technical Director: Elliott Bynum
Character Animation: Jordan Heard
Choreography/Dance: Sarina Premi
Video Commissioner: Sam Sifton
Choreography and Performance: Sarina
Motion Capture + Animation: Deep Sky & Imaginary Planet
Cinematography and Edit: Ryan Dickie
Nominated for Best Music Video at the VMAs

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