Deep Sky

Merry Christmas from Deep Sky

Each year, Deep Sky crafts a unique animated Christmas video, embracing new stories, characters, and methods. In this collaboration with Imaginary Planet, we selected a live-action plus animation concept for our animated short. With only two weeks before Christmas, the first week involved rapidly collecting ornaments, scripting, and coordinating shipments. The second week was dedicated to intense filming, editing, voice-over work, and animation. The result was a creatively fulfilling and successful collaborative project we're proud to share!

Each year, Deep Sky crafts a unique animated Christmas video, embracing new stories, characters, and methods. In this collaboration with Imaginary Planet, we selected a live-action plus animation concept for our animated short. With only two weeks before Christmas, the first week involved rapidly collecting ornaments, scripting, and coordinating shipments. The second week was dedicated to intense filming, editing, voice-over work, and animation. The result was a creatively fulfilling and successful collaborative project we're proud to share!


Client: Deep Sky
Production Company: Deep Sky
Animation Studio: Imaginary Planet
Writing: Jared Hobbs, Barret Thomson, Seth Chaffee, Jack Ellis
Director: Jared Hobbs
Animation director: Jack Ellis
Character animation: Ciara Bresnahan
Compositing: Grant Perdew
Voice overs: Matt Manley

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