John Deininger

Rescuemals Animated Open

Rescuemals, a story written and designed by John Deininger, takes place in a world where a group of uniquely skilled animals work together to save the day.

These beautiful 2d concepts by John were translated into a 3d style that captures the pure energy and whimsicalness of the original, while also being conscious of how they can be used in a TV show production. Sculpted in Zbrush, animated in Maya, and rendered in Cinema 4d, this animated short follows the Rescuemals high energy race through the forest. Wild rides will surely never stop as Bear, Turtle, Mole, Pig, Owl, Beaver, and Humming Bird find their unique strengths and work together to help their fellow animals.

Rescuemals, a story written and designed by John Deininger, takes place in a world where a group of uniquely skilled animals work together to save the day.

These beautiful 2d concepts by John were translated into a 3d style that captures the pure energy and whimsicalness of the original, while also being conscious of how they can be used in a TV show production. Sculpted in Zbrush, animated in Maya, and rendered in Cinema 4d, this animated short follows the Rescuemals high energy race through the forest. Wild rides will surely never stop as Bear, Turtle, Mole, Pig, Owl, Beaver, and Humming Bird find their unique strengths and work together to help their fellow animals.


Client: John Deininger
Production Company: Deep Sky
Animation Studio: Imaginary Planet
Creative Director: Barret Thomson
Technical Director: Elliott Bynum
Modeling/texturing: Kevin Atkins
Animation: Jordan Heard
Compositing: Esle Becerra

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