Icon Motosports

Airform Stroker

In collaboration with ICON Motosports we created a 2D animated short for their new helmet, the Airform Stroker, featuring our main characters on a crusade for speed, and rebel metal racing. In this short we see close ups of the iconic Raw Dog and Casa Diablo at the track racing to towards victory lane in a fiery explosion at the finish line.

In collaboration with ICON Motosports we created a 2D animated short for their new helmet, the Airform Stroker, featuring our main characters on a crusade for speed, and rebel metal racing. In this short we see close ups of the iconic Raw Dog and Casa Diablo at the track racing to towards victory lane in a fiery explosion at the finish line.


Client: ICON Motosports
Production Company: Deep Sky
Animation Studio: Imaginary Planet
Executive Director: Jared Hobbs
Creative Director: Grant Wheeler
Creative Director/Character Design/Storyboards: Barret Thomson
Animation Supervisor/Production Manager/Animator: Jack Ellis
VFX/Motion Graphics/Compositing: Esli Becerra
Character Animation: Matthew Seely

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