Icon Motosports

Trick or Street 2

Trick or Street returns with Trick or Street 2, and it’s more sinister and darker than ever. Heavily inspired by the original logo and capturing the spookiness of Halloween, the pumpkin rider emerges from his evil pumpkin castle to wreak havoc upon the world and set it ablaze! The animation we created in this video showcases the rider’s dark magic as he summons his deadly weapons like his pumpkin bombs and scythe. We designed environments that match the character’s persona, casting him in deep black shadows. Tons of spooky gnarled roots come from the ground, evil-looking pumpkins litter the cracked and burning road, and jagged deadly mountains lay in the distance. Fire shows just how much carnage he was bringing to the world.

Trick or Street returns with Trick or Street 2, and it’s more sinister and darker than ever. Heavily inspired by the original logo and capturing the spookiness of Halloween, the pumpkin rider emerges from his evil pumpkin castle to wreak havoc upon the world and set it ablaze! The animation we created in this video showcases the rider’s dark magic as he summons his deadly weapons like his pumpkin bombs and scythe. We designed environments that match the character’s persona, casting him in deep black shadows. Tons of spooky gnarled roots come from the ground, evil-looking pumpkins litter the cracked and burning road, and jagged deadly mountains lay in the distance. Fire shows just how much carnage he was bringing to the world.


Client: ICON Motosports
Production Company: Deep Sky
Animation Studio: Imaginary Planet
Producer: Jared Hobbs
Creative Director: Barret Thomson
Art Director: Barret Thomson
Production Manager: Jack Ellis
Character Design: Adam DiTerlizzi
Background Design: Barret Thomson
Storyboards: Adam DiTerlizzi, Matthew Seely, Gaby West
Animators: Adam DiTerlizzi, Jack Ellis
Compositing: Jack Ellis, Esli Becerra
Sound Design: Mikey Navarro

ICON Motosports
Creative Director: Ewald Vorster
Storyboard: Ewald Vorster
Art Director: Kurt Walter

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