Burmer Music

Nanakorobi Seven Falls

Nanakorobi (Seven Falls) is a multi-award winning animated short film created by Glenna Burmer that follows the adventures of a young girl who undergoes seven challenges to save a dear orphaned friend from the cold Hokkaido winter.

Nanakorobi (Seven Falls) is a multi-award winning animated short film created by Glenna Burmer that follows the adventures of a young girl who undergoes seven challenges to save a dear orphaned friend from the cold Hokkaido winter.

Character Development



Client: Burmer Music
Production Company: Deep Sky
Animation Studio: Imaginary Planet
Producer: Jared Hobbs
Producer: Glenna Burmer
Director: Gaby West
Creative Director: Barret Thomson
Associate Producer: Prosenjit Bagchi
Story Consultant: Seth Chaffee
Background Artist: Danny Popovici
Animation Directors: Barret Thomson
Compositor: Esli Becerra
Compositor: Zack Dixon
Jack Ellis
Matthew Seely
Adam DiTerlizzi
Mei Mei Leonard
Jenna Zona
Leigh Huddle
Alana Mango

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Static and dynamic content editing

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